My name is Valerio Giuffrida (vaˈlɛrio dʒuf’frida) and I am an Assistant Professor in Computer Vision  at The University of Nottingham. I obtained my Ph.D. from IMT School For Advanced Studies Lucca (supervisor Prof Sotirios A Tsaftaris) based at the University of Edinburgh. I have published several papers on machine learning and plant phenotyping. Specifically, my first work presented a learning algorithm to count leaves in rosette plants. Then, I matured my research interests on neural networks, particularly on Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs). In the 2016, I participate at the enrichment program of The Alan Turing Institute. Besides my scientific skills, I am an excellent programmer, boasting knowledge in several programming languages. In fact, I am the lead developer of the Phenotiki Analysis Software, which bundles computer vision and machine learning algorithms to analyse rosette plants. During my master, I had the possibility to participate at different scientific summer schools, such as the International Computer Vision Summer School (ICVSS) and the Medical Imaging Summer School (MISS), which have been of great motivations towards my scientific career.

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Room B82
School of Computer Science
Jubilee Campus
The University of Nottingham
7301 Wollaton Rd

Contact Details

📧 valerio (dot) giuffrida (at) nottingham (dot) ac (dot) uk

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